Instructions For Learners
Welcome to DevOps - Zero To Hero
Introduction To DevOps & Cloud
[25th November 7 P.M IST] Introduction To DevOps & Cloud
Linux For DevOps
[27th November 7 P.M] Linux Fundamentals
[29th November 7 P.M] Linux Advanced
[2nd December 7 P.M] Shell Scripting For DevOps
Git & GitHub
[4th December 7 P.M] Git & GitHub Fundamentals
[6th December 7 P.M] Git & GitHub Advanced
[9th December 7 P.M] Docker Fundamentals
[11th December 7 P.M] Docker Advanced
[13th December 7 P.M] Docker End to End Project
Phase 1 MCQ Exam
[18th December 6 P.M IST] Phase 1 MCQ Exam
[16th December 7 P.M] Jenkins Fundamentals
[18th December 7 P.M] Jenkins Advanced
Gitlab Introduction, Projects, Groups
Gitlab Pipelines, Variables, Secrets, Artifacts
GitLab Self Hosted Runners and CICD Project
[20th December 7 P.M] Kubernetes Fundamentals
[23rd December 7 P.M] Kubernetes Advanced
[24th December 7 P.M] Kubernetes Bonus Topics
[27th December 7 P.M] Terraform Fundamentals
[30th December 7 P.M] Terraform Advanced
[6th January 7 P.M IST] Ansible Fundamentals
[8th January 7 P.M IST] Ansible Advanced
[10th January 7 P.M IST] Prometheus & Grafana
Mega Project on AWS EKS
[17th January 7 P.M IST] AWS EKS with ArgoCD
Projects Covered in LIVE sessions
Project 1
(5 pages)
Project 2
(6 pages)
Project 3
(5 pages)
Project 4
(5 pages)
Project 5
(6 pages)
Project 6
(5 pages)
Project 7
(5 pages)
Project 8
(5 pages)
Mega Project
(5 pages)
(231 pages)
TWS - Linux Short Notes (1) (1)
(29 pages)
Notes - TWS Docker Short Notes
(17 pages)
Notes - ChatGPT Prompts for DevOps
(5 pages)
Notes - Grafana & Prometheus
(4 pages)
EKS Notes
(2 pages)
Notes - AWS EKS Hands-on
(5 pages)
Notes - Ansible
(8 pages)
Notes - Terraform
(28 pages)
Notes - Kubernetes in Detail
(33 pages)
Notes - Jenkins Short Notes
(8 pages)
Notes - Docker Networking Short Notes
(6 pages)
Notes - Docker Short Notes
(17 pages)
Notes - Git & Github Short Notes by TWS
(16 pages)
Notes - Linux Short Notes by TWS
(29 pages)
Notes - Networking & VPC
(43 pages)
Terraform Notes in Detail
(10 pages)
Terraform Notes By TrainWithShubham
(31 pages)
Docker Short Notes for DevOps Engineers by TrainWithShubham
(17 pages)
Linux Short Notes for DevOps Engineers by TrainWithShubham
(10 pages)
Ansible Hands-on notes
(6 pages)
Ansible Notes
(18 pages)
Notes - VPC in Detail
(7 pages)
Notes - Jenkins Installation
(3 pages)
Notes - Docker
(16 pages)
Notes - Shell Scripting by TWS
(17 pages)
Notes - Linux Advanced by TWS
(12 pages)
Notes - Linux Fundamentals
(22 pages)
Terraform Notes
(31 pages)
Terraform Notes
(27 pages)
Terraform Notes
(15 pages)
Terraform Notes (Day 1)
(10 pages)
AWS Notes
(4 pages)
Notes - Jenkins Installation
(3 pages)